4 . A new friend

"Come, let's sit on that table, Siya", said Alia and turned and pushed Siya but Siya was prepared this time. She balanced herself and put her leg in middle and tripped Alia over her foot.
And a result, Alia banged down with other person and her food fell all the person in front of her and covered his white shirt with curry

Any guess who he was???
He was none other than........

"Sorry, Samrat. Are you okay??" Alia said
Siya smirked and said,"Sorry Alia, Did you trip over my foot and fell?"
And looked towards Samrat and pretended,"Samrat, are you hurt? O my God, this was your favourite shirt. It's all ruined now"

Samrat said, "Get me a tissue."
"Yes , Samrat "and grabbed tissues and gave it to him. He went to the restroom to clean his shirt.

Meanwhile Siya also went to the restroom and heard a lady's voice from the lavatory "Is someone there? I need help. Can I ask you for a favour?"

Siya replied and understood what the person needed , " Do you need sanitary napkins?"

"Yes, can you bring it for me?"

"Just a moment, I will get it for you,"Siya said and brought it for her as she already has then in her purse and waited.

The woman came out and thanked her," Thank you.. thank you so much.... I promise to serve you properly. I'm Ria"

"There's no need for it. It's alright. I'm Siya." replied Siya

"Just a moment", she said and asked Riya to turn back, "I knew it " as she observed a period stain on her jeans and just like a hero from the bollywood she brought out a blazer and tied it along Ria's waist .

Meanwhile Ria covered her mouth in disbelief.
"How are you so nice. You are a fairy. I thought they don't exist anymore . This type of kindness is only seen in films. You are the light of my life.. my real SAVIOUR ... " She blabbered in excitement like a child

"Ria, have you always been like this?" She asked with a smile

"O my goodness, you look so beautiful when you smile. Why didn't I notice that? " She started counting on her fingers, " Siya , You're so nice . You are beautiful. You are talented . You are helpful. You live an impressive life..." She kept on blabbering.

" Ria , you are overdoing it. Anyone else in my place would have done the same." She said laughingly

"No, they won't. You know someone came before you in and asked for her help but she just grumbled , finished her business and left."

Siya remembered Alia coming out the restroom before her and guessed it might be her.

"Siya, so friends??"Ria said and forwarded her hand for handshake.

"Yes, friends" Siya said and shook her hands. She was very happy to have a new friend and moreover such a cheerful one. In her previous life she had no friend except Alia.

"So, have you eaten?",asked Ria.

"No, I haven't "

"I am very hungry and came down for lunch but fell into crisis"

"That reminds me why haven't we ever had lunch together yet? If you won't mind , shall we eat together ?"
"Yes, I never say no to food",and both
went to the table where Samrat and Alia were already present.
Alia was not at all happy seeing Ria with Siya. She wanted Siya to be dependent only on her.She asked her,
"You took a long time to come ,Siya. What happened?"
"Actually, Ria needed my help "
"What kind of help?"
"We figured it out too... " She said referring to Samrat's stained shirt which was cleaned now. But since it was white , stains were still there
"You handled it well , Alia"said Siya
"You think...?" Samrat whispered..
Samrat was very pissed since the shirt was given to him by Siya.
So you think that he was upset because the shirt was gifted by his girlfriend ??
Not at all .
The shirt was very expensive and branded and he literally had to beg Siya for a year to buy him that shirt. Thus , he was upset.

"I'm really sorry Samrat.I didn't do it intentionally" , said Alia with a pitiful face .
"No problem, Alia." he said.
Ria asked," Isn't that shirt branded? How much does it cost? 40000 Rs ? 50000??"

"It's not that expensive. Just a little above 35000Rs ",Siya said as she had bought that shirt which costs almost half of her salary.

Alia was shocked by hearing the price of the shirt and made a pitiful face,"Actually, I am a contract worker , so I don't earn that much"

"Don't worry about it, Alia . I have many such shirts at home" Samrat with a smile.

"Really?",she said with relief as she didn't have to pay for the shirt." You are so generous . You are a very nice man . Siya is so lucky to have you in her life "

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