He has a girlfriend

Siya's pov

I entered the office wearing my new outfit which I bought with Ria . As I entered, I could feel everyone staring at me . Do I look weird ? I am so nervous. Be confident, Siya . You are the not the old timid Siya anymore.
I could hear people whispering by looking at me with surprised expressions .
One of my colleagues complimented me . " Ms. Siya , You look different today. You look like a celebrity. Is something special today ?" Hearing this, I felt better . " No, it's not that ." I replied. I went my cubicle .Meera ma'am also complimented me with a smile ," Wow , you look so pretty. "
" Actually, I went to shopping with Ria yesterday. So I bought new outfits. "

" Great job , Siya." Meera said .

" You really look amazing." Ria said .
Even Alia was looking at me with surprise .

Just then Samrat came towards me a shocked face and eye me from head to toe and asked , " Are you really my girlfriend? You look so different today ." " I just wanted to surprise you, Samrat " " You look like someone else without your glasses . You look so pretty. " Saying this , he tried to touch my face but I moved back .

Ria said , " You talk as if you have never seen her without her glasses ."

" Of course, I have seen her . But she looks so amazing today ." And again tried to touch me but I again moved back .
Just then we heard sound of someone hitting a table and all the files fell down. He was none other than Raghav. But he looked different today. I guessed he was in his own world . "I am sorry" , he said to no-one in specific and again banged into another employee .

And then my drama queen started her drama ," Mr .Raghav, I will pick up these files. " And bent down with a seductive smile. I guessed it did not work on him because he thanked her with a blank face and then came near me and observed my outfit and said , " Ms Siya, your outfit.... doesn't seem suitable for work today. "

"Excuse me?" I was confused. I haven't heard him questioning any other employee about their outfit. So why , me ?

" It's very suitable for work. So why... are you criticizing her outfit?" , Ria supported me .

He paused before saying, "I must've felt that way because I haven't seen her without her glasses before. " He was about to leave but these words slipped from my mouth , "You saw me yesterday." Samrat was surprised maybe thinking that when did we met yesterday, " What ?"he said but I ignored him and kept looking at Raghav. He explained, " That was the weekend and it's first time at work." I nodded with a smile.
" I see you are wearing contacts too ."I said . Samrat kept looking at Raghav and me ." You are right , Siya. " Meera said and then looked towards Raghav, "Mr. Raghav, you look better without glasses ."
And then my acting ki dukaan (my shop of acting) started again , " So , that's why you look somewhat different today. You look much .... " But he stopped her by showing her his palm and went away with an embarrassed look . I guess he wasn't used to compliments .
And then my boyfriend asked me , " Did you buy contacts together? "
" Why ?? Don't speak anything. Just go to your seat . We'll talk later. "

Samrat asked me to meet him . I went to meet him . He offered me a coffee. I told him, " I have to attend a meeting later . " I will just take a second. So how do you feel? Sorry about Friday . Did you feel better after attending the reunion? " He was hesitant to speak further. " By the way , how did you meet Raghav yesterday? "

"Something urgent came up . So I had to leave my reunion and attend the meeting with him "

"How could he do that ? I think he likes you ." He said with frustration and and stared at me as if searching my face for answers. I took a sip of coffee and denied that it wasn't like that . But he was adamant, " Yes , it is . I know that as a man. It's like an antenna for males . Don't you think why would he only call you when it was urgent. This morning he commented on your outfit being unsuitable. You are so pretty that it made him crazy. What a jerk!!! "
He hold my hands and said , "You look so pretty that it makes me angry when other men are looking at you .You're mine , right ?"

I am not yours, you cheater . I wanted to scream on his face but controlled myself. I just nodded hesitantly. He touched my hair and tried to come near me but I just pushed the coffee on the table which fell on his pants.

"O God , what do we do now ? Go to the restroom immediately. " I pretended to panic and be concerned. He ran away from there. Thank God I saved myself from him .

Alia met me on my way to office .I knew that she would come to me to give me explanation for yesterday.

"You didn't take it in a wrong way , did you? I don't know why they said that . They are so immature . It was 10 years ago ." She tried to explain herself giving me her best innocent pitiful looks .
How could I not trust you? If I hadn't seen it till the end , it would have been impossible for me to not trust you.

She again started," I could have made a mistake myself. But you know that I get confused easily. "

" Yes , I was mad yesterday. But it did seem strange. There was no reason for you to lie about dating Aditya and say that I told you to dump him unless... You want to make me look like a bad person." I chuckled and said," Only a crazy person would do that. "

" That's right . I wouldn't do something like that ." She seemed relieved.

"Natasha and her friends always used to pick on me for the strangest things .I won't let it slide this time. We aren't in highschool anymore . By the way I am going to meet Aditya and ask him ."

" You are going to meet Aditya ?"

" Yes . He gave me his number yesterday and asked me to meet him tomorrow . Don't worry , my other half . This time I won't let it slide. "

" Okay . But don't you think that Samrat wont like it if you go to meet other man ?"she asked . As if that is going to stop me from meeting him .

" Samrat isn't like that. He wants me to feel at ease . Also his stocks went through the roof and made a lot of money." I said trying my best to make her envy me and make her wil stronger snatch Samrat away from me . That would make my work easier.

" Ohh... He really made that much money!!! "

" Yes , he's planning to buy a new house for us after marriage ." I say pretending to be shy .

" You are so lucky." She pretended to be happy for me.
We were waiting for the elevator .Alia said , " We haven't hung out since a long time, Siya."Everyone including Ria and Meera looked towards us.
" I mean , Ms . Siya . Would you like to hang out with me ?" She corrected remembering when I asked her to address me with respect at work .I declined saying that I had to make preparations for a meeting.

I met Raghav on my way . He stopped me , " Ms. Siya ."

"Yes . Mr. Raghav ."

He scratched his forehead and said , "Why did you dress like that for work today?" This man.... What problem does he have with my outfit?

" Do I look that strange today ? " I asked.

" No it's not that. Never mind. I shouldn't have said that ." He turned around to leave but again stopped and said pointing towards his eyes , "I wore contacts today after what you said yesterday. " I just smiled ."so I was wondering if you were this because of or for someone ."

" No , Sir . I dressed this way for myself . I haven't dressed up after so long because it felt good. And people started treating me different because I dressed up this way ."

" Wouldn't it be wrong for others to treat you differently over how you dress?" He asked .

" You are right . But there are people who do that . And I feel this is the right way to deal with such type of people. From now on , I won't just stick to formalities anymore.... for my sake ."

"That's a good idea. " He smiled.

" I swear you look different when you smile . Also , I am not an expert in it either but I think it will be better if you change your dressing style a bit . I recommend it . See you then . " And I left away from there to attend the meeting .

I was waiting at the bus stop when I saw a girl dancing happily on the road with a bag in her hands in front of the mall . I recognised her to be Ria . I was about to call her when I noticed a guy coming out of the mall with many shopping bags in his hands . I was shocked to see that it was none other than Raghav. I could hear them .

" I am so happy ."

" I get that you are happy but stop dancing . Let's go. "

" I won't forget your kindness of buying me this limited edition. " She jumped with excitement.

" I would be thankful if you call down. " He put this palm over her face and dragged her to his car .

They seemed close. Are they dating?? I remembered there was a scandal about them in my previous life . Ria was transferred to other branch because Mr. Ashish reported that they had an inappropriate relationship .Now I get it .this good behaviour of Raghav towards me was because Ria was friends with me . For a moment, even I started to believe that he liked me hearing Samrat . Samrat !! You jerk !!! Male's antenna and all that!!
But why am I disheartened knowing that he has a girlfriend??

So, Raghav has a girlfriend. Well that's what Siya thinks and she seems to be disheartened. If it's true , how will their story proceed ?? Or will her story end up with Aditya.

Read further to find out.

So next chapter will be about Aditya's and Siya's meeting .

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